Flights of Geese

Sunday 1st October 2023 to Thursday 15th February 2024
Dawn and Dusk

Many thousands of geese visit the north Norfolk coast during the Winter months.


Flights of Geese, Look Up!  All along the north Norfolk coast | Many thousands of geese visit the north Norfolk coast during the Winter months. | outdoor, walking, wildlife, geese, north norfolk coast, bird watching, birding
Flights of Geese, Look Up!  All along the north Norfolk coast | Many thousands of geese visit the north Norfolk coast during the Winter months. | outdoor, walking, wildlife, geese, north norfolk coast, bird watching, birding
Flights of Geese, Look Up!  All along the north Norfolk coast | Many thousands of geese visit the north Norfolk coast during the Winter months. | outdoor, walking, wildlife, geese, north norfolk coast, bird watching, birding
Flights of Geese, Look Up!  All along the north Norfolk coast | Many thousands of geese visit the north Norfolk coast during the Winter months. | outdoor, walking, wildlife, geese, north norfolk coast, bird watching, birding


The skies are filled with them and it is an amazing spectacle of nature, which is well worth seeing. Happens from roughly mid October (sometimes late September) to mid February.

For more information about this North Norfolk Coast natural wonder, please do call into One Stop Nature Shop at Dalegate Market and they'll be happy to tell you more.

Price: A free natural spectacle

Location: Look Up! All along the north Norfolk coast

More information

outdoor, walking, wildlife, geese, north norfolk coast, bird watching, birding

Why not stay at Deepdale Camping & Rooms for 'Flights of Geese'