Festive Season Opening Hours

Tuesday 23rd December 2025 to Saturday 3rd January 2026
See website for opening times, so you aren't disappointed

Like everyone the teams who run the shops and cafe at Dalegate Market deserve a Christmas break, but they are open more than you would expect!


Festive Season Opening Hours, Dalegate Market, Main Road, Burnham Deepdale, Norfolk, PE31 8FB | Like everyone the teams who run the shops and cafe at Dalegate Market deserve a Christmas break, but they are open more than you would expect! | shopping, christmas, festive, new year, season, shops, burnham, deepdale, north, norfolk


Why not enjoy the perfect combination of the beautiful North Norfolk Coast, some post Christmas shopping for both those sale bargains and essential provisions from our wonderful shops, and a bite to eat at Deepdale Cafe.

Price: Free to visit, please make many purchases

Location: Dalegate Market, Main Road, Burnham Deepdale, Norfolk, PE31 8FB

More information

shopping, christmas, festive, new year, season, shops, burnham, deepdale, north, norfolk

Why not stay at Deepdale Camping & Rooms for 'Festive Season Opening Hours'